LASER treatment


- The FDA has approved this technology for permanent hair reduction
- Safe, 100% effective and painless
- Large areas can be treated quickly

Laser hair removal in Brooklyn, NY

We have a top of the Line Laser that is recognized as the most versatile platform today, the Cynosure Elite MPX™ addresses hair removal on all skin types, treatment of pigmentation, redness, wrinkles, plus new integrated IPL for photo facials. The Elite MPX™ has a revolutionary technology and sequentially combines gold standard wavelengths in one system: the 755 nm Alexandrite laser, 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser and new Intended Pulsed Light.

Laser Hair Removal has been approved by the FDA for permanent hair reduction. The technology we provide to you is fast, easy, comfortable and extremely time-efficient. It is also the most cost effective method available today to achieve the convenience of having permanently less hair. Any remaining hair is much lighter in color and finer in texture.

Why Should I Choose Laser Hair Removal Over Other Options?

You already know about the other options for removing unwanted hair. Now is the time to set those methods aside and give laser hair removal a try. Do you need some incentive? Consider these reasons why this approach to hair reduction is outpacing all those other approaches combined.

Less Pain More Gain

The nice thing about undergoing laser in Brooklyn is a lack of pain. Remember the last time you used wax on your legs? How did it feel? Are you anxious to go through that pain again? If you are like most people, the answer is no.

Laser hair removal is relatively free of the discomfort that can occur during and after other methods for removing unwanted hair. What you are left with after the treatment series is skin that’s smooth to the touch and free of irritation. The results also last longer. That’s a solution for permanent hair reduction you can look forward to rather than dreading.

Forget About Ingrown Hairs

Were you taught an approach to removing hair that tended to create tiny bumps in the skin? The bumps that appeared were actually ingrown hairs. They came about because the removal method made it possible for the ends to begin growing under the top level of the skin. Along with ruining the look of the skin, those bumps could also itch.

With laser hair removal, you don’t have to be concerned about ingrown hairs. The treatment itself ensures that there is no hair to get under the skin layer and cause those unsightly bumps. Instead, undergoing laser in Brooklyn provides skin that’s smooth to the touch. You couldn’t ask for a better solution for permanent hair reduction.

Say Goodbye to Prickly Skin

If you manage to avoid the dreaded ingrown hairs, there’s still the risk of developing skin that looks and feels prickly. In fact, there’s a name for it: porcupine skin. This problem occurs when the removal method that you employ leaves a tiny portion of the hair just above the top layer of skin. Run your hand across the recently shaved skin and the tough hairs are easy to feel.

Since the plan is to make the skin smooth to the touch, you need a better solution. Laser hair removal ensure there are no remnants of hair left above the outer layer of skin. You can tell the difference after the very first round of laser in Brooklyn. If you’ve ever had to shave your legs or arms multiple times to temporarily get rid of that prickly feel, you’ll appreciate how the permanent hair reduction offered by a series of laser treatments gets the job done.

More Time For Other Things

Have you ever thought about how time consuming those other methods happen to be? A 2013 study conducted by the British beauty brand Escentual indicated that the average woman spends 72 days over a lifetime shaving her legs. Take a moment to think about that. What would you do if you could have most of those 72 days free for other activities?

Laser hair removal takes less time than the constant shaving or waxing that you’ve used in the past. The results last longer, so you need less frequent treatments. Thanks to undergoing laser in Brooklyn, there really is more time to devote to the things you would rather be doing. Use this method of permanent hair reduction and spend more time enjoying yourself!

The choice is yours. You can stick with older and less effective methods, or you can give laser in Brooklyn a try. Schedule your first appointment today and see what you think. After that first treatment, the idea of using any other option for permanent hair reduction will be out of the question.


How do I prepare for hair laser removal?

Patients scheduled for hair removal should avoid electrolysis, waxing and plucking for six weeks prior to treatment. If you have had a history of cold sores (herpes) and scheduled for a facial area treatment, prophylactic antiviral therapy may be recommended. Also, any hair should be shaved or trimmed prior to your appointment. Your skin should be thoroughly cleaned and dried, removing any makeup, cream, or oils on the surface before any laser treatment. You should not be tan! If you are tan and have a treatment scheduled, please call our office to reschedule your appointment for a time when your tan has faded completely.

What can I expect during the treatment?

The procedure begins by first cleansing and shaving the region that is to be treated. You will wear safety eyewear to protect your eyes from the laser light. Each laser pulse is passed over the desired region for a fragment of a second at a time. Without damaging the surrounding skin, pulses of light penetrate the skin and are absorbed by hair follicles. The laser energy is transferred to heat, and the heat destroys the potential for hair regrowth.

Does it hurt?

Some patients may feel a slight discomfort with the laser pulse, sometimes described as some stinging sensation on the skin. This discomfort is minimized by integrated air cooling which is safer and provides a more comfortable treatment when compared to other cooling systems. Studies show the use of air cooling which cools the skin before, during and after the laser fires provides superior patient comfort. For some patients, a topical anesthetic may be used prior to treatment. Be sure to discuss this with your practitioner at the time of your consultation.

How often may I have treatments?

You have to wait 4-8 weeks interval between treatments for the best result.

How many treatments do I need?

The number of sessions depends on the treatment area and the condition of your skin. Most people require at least 4 or 5 treatments. We say on average expects to have between 4 and 8 treatments. It is imperative that all of your treatment sessions are spaced out between 4 and 8 weeks apart. The process of permanent hair reduction is only effective when the hair follicle is in its active growth phase (Anlagen phase). Additional factors, including age, ethnicity, weight, hormones, medication and metabolism, influence hair growth and play a role in the location, thickness and resilience of your hair.

What can I expect after my treatment?

Your skin will be red and rashy looking immediately after your laser hair removal treatment. It will also feel slightly sunburned. This redness lasts anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days. Do not scrub or rinse the treated areas with abrasive skin cleansers. Hair will begin to fall out 10-14 days after the treatment. Your practitioner may advise additional precautions depending on your treatment area. We encourage the use of ice, aloe vera gel and topical hydrocortisone cream post-treatment to help with redness and itching that may occur. All patients should avoid sun exposure before and after all laser treatments. The regular use of sunblock (SPF 30) is encouraged and highly recommended when going outdoors.